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Somatoform disorders and chronic pain disorders


Somatoform disorders and chronic pain disorders

Somatoform disorders are mental illnesses in which physical symptoms occur but for which no adequate medical explanation can be found. These symptoms can have a significant impact on daily life and lead to significant impairments in quality of life.

Typical symptoms of somatoform disorders can be:

  • A wide range of physical complaints with no clear medical cause.
  • Frequent visits to the doctor or medical examinations with no findings
  • Excessive worry or anxiety about physical health
  • Impairment in professional and social life due to physical complaints


Somatoform disorders can lead to considerable stress, as those affected are often confronted with the misconception that their symptoms are not “real”. This can lead to frustration, isolation and additional psychological stress.

Somatoform disorders can have a chronic course and persist for a long period of time if they are not treated appropriately. Early access to psychological support and holistic treatment are important to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life.

Chronic pain disorders are conditions in which pain persists over a period of several months or years, often without an obvious medical cause. This pain can severely interfere with daily life and lead to significant disability.

The causes of somatoform disorders and chronic pain disorders can be varied and include genetic, biological, psychological and social factors. Traumatic experiences, stress or a previous illness or injury can also contribute to these conditions.


Treatment of somatoform disorders and chronic pain disorders typically involves a combination of psychotherapeutic interventions, pain management, physical therapy and, if necessary, medication. The focus is on reducing symptoms, improving quality of life and strengthening coping skills.

At Mental Harbor, we offer holistic treatment for somatoform disorders and chronic pain disorders that is tailored to each individual’s unique needs. Our therapy approaches include psychotherapeutic interventions such as cognitive behavioral therapy, pain management, physical therapy and supportive group therapy. Our experienced team is on hand to help you understand your physical symptoms and find ways to better manage them.